Seeing a

Clear Future

Embracing New


Enhancing the Way

We Do Business

Reducing Costs of

Doing Business



Harnessing Our

Natural Resources

About Green Team San Joaquin

The Green Team San Joaquin, an award-winning program of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, is a collaborative effort between private businesses, municipal and county solid waste divisions, economic development professionals and the community of San Joaquin County.

The purpose of the Green Team San Joaquin is to create a nexus between commerce and environment and to enhance the delivery of Chamber services and to address economic, environmental, and quality of life issues in Stockton and San Joaquin County. In 2005, the Chamber embarked with this program by collaboratively searching for regional solutions to challenges facing San Joaquin County and their businesses. Since then, the program has been replicated in Stanislaus county, Merced county, and Fresno county.

Simply put, by assisting businesses in "going green" will not only reduce their costs of doing business, but it will also help the environment and move the San Joaquin County economy forward.

What We Do

The Green Team is actively involved with business leaders, community leaders and others to increase the awareness of available resources, programs and incentives to assist them in reducing the cost of doing business.

Start going green

You can start going green by purchasing and using eco-friendly products. Not sure which one to buy? Visit one of these websites to check if your current product is safe for the environment:



Check your carbon footprint by going here:



California Green Business Network

Have your business Green Certified through the Green Team San Joaquin and be part of the California Green Business Network.


2023 Certified Businesses

The following businesses have gone through a rigorous process to become Certified Green using the guidelines of the California Green Business Network

KJOY Minute



Green Tip!

Americans throw out over four million disposable pens — daily. Consider refillable pens and reduce your office waste.

Did You Know?

The average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper each year. Minimize that by printing on both sides whenever possible. 

Contact Us

(209) 292-8425
445 W. Weber Avenue, #220, Stockton, CA 95203